Air Force Research Lab's


The Gaming Research Integration for Learning Laboratory®

Our mission is to conduct integration efforts and training research using game-based technology to increase the operational efficiency and effectiveness of the people defending our nation.

Our Projects

We provide The Air Force with tools and research needed to enhance trainings, save lives, and outperform our adversaries.

Wright-Scholar intern wears a VR headset and stands over a medical dummy to test the VR trauma exam training application.
Wright-Scholar intern testing the VR trauma exam training application.
GRILL staff member points at Unreal Engine code to educate student interns.
GRILL® staff members have the expertise and knowledge to lead students towards future success in STEM.

Our Commitment to STEM

Drives us to design programs which develop and sustain a diverse STEM workforce. 

Our Impact

Demonstrates our dedication to inspiring the next generation of STEM talent, our military, and the people of the United States.

Student intern wearing a VR headset performs a test in the parachute simulator's indoor parachute harness.
Wright Scholar intern testing the parachute trainer simulation in a safe, virtual environment.

What's New At The GRILL®?

The GRILL® Attends

2022 I/ITSEC

The GRILL® attended I/ITSEC in 2022, displaying DART and the GRILL® OpenDIS plugins.

The GRILL® Receives Cesium Certification

Through our recent collaboration with Cesium Geospacial in our OpenDIS Plugin, The GRILL® is now Cesium Certified.

Our Achievements Come With Awards

GRILL staff present at the IronDev competition, one uses a VR headset and one speaks into a microphone.
GRILL® staff presenting at IronDev.

Take a Tour of The GRILL®

Want to Work With Us?

Because we want to work with you.
